Pot-pourri of Poems by Mary Andere

A Dedication - 1942

Thee would I love above all others
and all others but in Thee;
serve the world and all my brothers
simply as Thy needs I see.
May all loves and self-desire
be purged in Thy consuming fire.

May my hands hold fast for ever
to the safety of Thy Cross;
and my footsteps falter never
in the path of trial and loss;
Blood of Jesus, shed for me,
before my eyes for ever be.

If into temptation's power
Thou must lead me, on Thy way,
be Thy mercy, in that hour,
may the Cross upon me lay,
covering all my sins and error,
shielding from the Tempter's terror.

Strip from me, Lord, all Self and pleasure
which would stand 'twixt Thee and me;
empty, naked, without measure,
may my heart so single be,
that, with eyes for Thee alone,
I may travel safely Home.